
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


These garden spiders have been helping catch grasshoppers for about 6 weeks now. They are kinda scary looking, but I love them. They are "good" spiders.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

City Ducks

One of my board members asked if we could take 5 ducks from a neighbor who was moving out of state. We thought that would be easy since we have acreage and a pond. For the first few days we kept them in a fenced area, hoping they would get to know they live here now. About the 4th day we opened the gate to let them venture out under the Oak trees and visit the pond. They chose to say in the fenced area. The next day we helped herd them out onto the grass, where they stayed all day. The next day we tried to herd them out toward the pond. It scared them to death and they came running back to their fenced area. Apparently they don't know they can fly because they just waddle everywhere. It has now been 2 weeks and they still won't set a webbed foot into the pond. They are afraid of the horses and the chickens as well as anything else that does not look like the city they came from. Today they got close enough to the pond to at least look at it. We wonder what they are saying to each other???

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Crazy Chicken

Yesterday I heard all this cackling out by the hen house, so I went out to see if Mr. Coyote was making an attack. I did not see him, so I went back inside. Later I went out to feed the chickens and found a chicken hanging upside down from the top of the chain link fence. His toe was caught in the top of the chain link and when he tried to fly down into another yard, his toe got caught. He was asleep by this time, because when you hang a chicken upside down they tend to go to sleep. I grabbed him by the feet, untwisted his broken toe and sat him down on the ground. I think his drumstick might be dislocated and his toe is a hammer toe now, but he does not seem to mind. He limps around acting like no one saw what he did.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Friday, January 9, 2009

Here I am, Oma, being forced into the future just one more step by my children. I guess if I want to be seen and known on their blog, I must have one of my own. I have wondered why people have blogs, just to talk about themselves, and why other people read them. I guess I will find out. It appears to be a source of communication and connection between the younger of our species. there is plenty that happens around here, so if I can find time I will write about it.

Oh, I already thought of something funny. The other day when I was at the therapeutic riding place clipping horses for Chisholm Challenge, one of the riders saw a girl riding our new mule. He is an adult gentleman. He was so excited to see the mule and came over to me bragging about what a beautiful Camel we had. Ha Ha.