
Friday, January 9, 2009

Here I am, Oma, being forced into the future just one more step by my children. I guess if I want to be seen and known on their blog, I must have one of my own. I have wondered why people have blogs, just to talk about themselves, and why other people read them. I guess I will find out. It appears to be a source of communication and connection between the younger of our species. there is plenty that happens around here, so if I can find time I will write about it.

Oh, I already thought of something funny. The other day when I was at the therapeutic riding place clipping horses for Chisholm Challenge, one of the riders saw a girl riding our new mule. He is an adult gentleman. He was so excited to see the mule and came over to me bragging about what a beautiful Camel we had. Ha Ha.


  1. You might just like having a blog! And see, you posted a funny story I hadn't heard!

  2. May be we'll learn a few more funny things about you, like your "assault" with a deadly weapon.
